The journey to Net Zero
Upgrading arguably the oldest and leakiest housing stock in Western Europe is one of the biggest opportunities the UK has to reduce carbon emissions, level up communities and provide clean energy security.
Improving the energy efficiency of 29 million homes by 2050 is no mean feat however, which is why GreenByte is working to identify and remove blockages to this unparalleled challenge.
GreenByte recognises itself as a small player in the bigger picture. But now is the time for community groups, the private sector, councils and Government to come together to resolve systemic problems.
This is why GreenByte is partnered with UK Power Networks to train domestic energy assessors to make free home visits to households in Hertfordshire. This includes home visits to vulnerable homeowners and tenants and those in energy poverty with the aim of providing impartial advice on energy efficiency and retrofitting with onward referrals to available grants and supporting charities.
Our Approach
The GreenByte strategy for 2024 at a glance.
- Identify and monitor problems in the retrofit challenge
- Train impartial assessors within community groups
- Organise retrofitting events, including demonstrations of heat pumps
- Form a retrofit not for profit community group to undertake works across Herts
- Build data and calloboration platforms, including machine learning models, to improve the effectiveness and prioritisation process for retrofit works.
Some of our partners
We're working with like-minded groups across the UK.
The more people share and collaborate, the more powerful we will be as agents of change across the country.